But the government's proposal to negate the ruling has left the impression that court decisions no longer are final. 然而印度政府此次这项推翻法院裁决的提案让人们感觉,法院的裁定不再具备最终效力了。
Meanwhile, backers of marriage rights for same-sex couples are hailing Supreme Court decisions that significantly advanced their cause. 同时,同性婚姻权利的支持者正为最高法院的裁定欢呼,此裁定大幅度推进了他们的改革事业。
Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children-disabled or not-to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. 最近的法庭裁决已再次确定了所有儿童不论残疾与否都有接受相适应的教育的权利,并已命令公立学校采取必要的措施来提供这种教育。
Wyoming thus became the 32nd state to allow gay marriage& explicitly or, by refusing to appeal court decisions, implicitly. 怀俄明州也因此成为第32个允许同性婚姻的州&这些州或者明确地允许,或者以拒绝对法院判决提起上诉的方式表示默许。
Effect shall be given to this Convention by national laws or regulations, collective agreements, works rules, arbitration awards or court decisions or other means appropriate to national conditions. 应通过国家法律或条例、集体协议、工作条例、仲裁决定或法庭裁决或适合本国情况的其他手段实施本公约。
Recent court decisions, say lawyers, have generally gone their way-sometimes with a significance that was overlooked at the time. 律师们表示,法院最近做出的裁决一般有利于雇主,当时,人们有时还会忽略其意义。
Pursuing these inquiries takes us first to the congressional debates and early court decisions interpreting the law, and then to the recent Microsoft case more than a century later. 为了找到答案,让我们先看一看国会的辩论过程以及法院早年诠释法律的决定,然后再来考察一个多世纪后的微软(Microsoft)案。
The domination of two legal research services over the publication of federal and state court decisions is being challenged by an Internet gadfly. 二个合法的研究服务的支配在联邦和州法院判决的发布之上被一个网际网路形似苍蝇挑战。
Against this background of lower court decisions, we now turn to the two Supreme Court opinions in this area. 有了下级法院决议这种背景,我们现在转而讨论这个领域内最高法院两例判决意见。
It is regrettable that Microsoft has only complied after a considerable delay, two court decisions and the imposition of daily penalty payments. 令人遗憾的是,在耽误了很长时间、历经两次法院裁决、被处以日罚款之后,微软才决定遵守判决。
However, presidents influence federal court decisions for the most part through judicial appointments, which may arise infrequently. 不过,总统对法院决定的影响大部分只能靠有司法任命机会时,而这种机会是有限的。
Two recent, unanimous Supreme Court decisions have shed light on the meaning of this vague exemption. 两个最近的、意见一致的最高法院的判决为这一模糊例外的含义作了说明。
Each class discussion is enhanced by the inclusion of a practicing lawyer who serves as a guest commentator, and by the study materials, including actual court decisions and press releases. 为充实本课程内容,每节课堂讨论均将邀请执业律师担任评论人,且课堂讨论之资料将涵括法院判决及相关新闻稿。
Court decisions have suggested that these promises cannot be withdrawn; states may not even be able to limit the future accrual of pension rights by existing workers. 法院的判决已经表明这类承诺不能被收回,各州可能就连限制现有员工养老金权利在未来的增长都做不到。
Finally, all of these are considered more reliable than either court decisions or lawyers'writings because the latter are used only to apply or interpret the former. 最后,前列所有渊源都被认为比法院判例和各国权威公法学家学说更可靠,因为后者仅在适用和解释前者时被使用。
Constitution prevails over statutes, and statutes prevail over common law principles established in court decisions. 宪法高于成文法,而成文法高于法院判决确定的普通法原则。
A systematic arrangement of statutes or court decisions. 汇集法规或法令的系统化分类。
Each also has a detailed index, and each code section is annotated with citations to court decisions interpreting that section. 两者都有详细的索引,法典的每一节都引证解释该节的法院判决来进行注释。
Each court of appeals has four or more judges who sit in panels of three to review district court decisions, as well as some decisions of administrative agencies. 每个上诉法院都有四名以上的法官,他们组成三人的合议庭来审理地区法院的判决和行政机关的一些决定。
Butterfly effects undoubtedly have arisen as a consequence of past Supreme Court decisions, although one can never pinpoint them precisely. 蝴蝶效应无疑起因于最高法院过去判决的结果,尽管没有人能查明它们。
In these states, new high court decisions or legislation are the only means to change admissibility standards. 在这些州内,新的高等法院或者立法机关是改变证据可采性标准的唯一途径。
A reference to previous court decisions or authoritative writings. 援引例证参考过去的法庭判决或权威材料。
Subsequent court decisions on religion in public schools, had they been law then, might have taken us prayer leaders off the program. 后来法庭针对公立学校宗教活动做出的判决如果当时就是法律的话,则可能会使我们免掉这一程序。
In general, these lower court decisions demonstrated a high degree of deference to EPA's expert judgment. 这些下级法院的观点证明,他们高度尊重环境保护局的专家判断。
Yet Supreme Court decisions can also have consequences well beyond the parties and principles directly involved. 然而最高法院判决的影响超出了直接涉案的双方和其委托人。
The recognition and enforcement of court decisions is the ultimate and most crucial of inter-region conflicts problems. 多法域国家的法院判决承认与执行问题是解决区际法律冲突问题中的最后、最关键的问题。
But in most cases, court decisions have increased the burden of good intentions, the conflict led to the value of justice. 但大多数情况下,法院的判决都加重了好意人的负担,引发了司法价值的冲突。